Diamond Phone Card Reaches Settlement With FTC

In a follow up to an earlier post from 2009 regarding Diamond Phone Cards alleged misleading of customers, the Federal Trade Commission has announced that they have reached a settlement with Diamond Phone Cards in which Diamond will pay the amount of $500,000 (not legaly labeled a fine but we all know what it really is) and agree to stop misleading consumers about talk time provided by providing all fee details in the language for which the product is being marketed.

This brings the total settlement pot up to 4 million dollars for the FTC in it's war against the corrupt practices of phone card companies. Companies who have contributed to this number include: Total Call (300K), Clifton Telecard (1.3M), and a handful of Florida companies (2.25M). The 4 million amount only includes what the FTC has levied and does not include the additional cases brought by many State's Attorney Generals.
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