Using Phone Cards in Iraq - The Only Way to Call Home?
I see tons of press releases out there about groups sending over phone cards to the troops in Iraq to help them call home and always wondered if people really understood the "phone" situation over there. To help calrify, here are a few hings you should know:
1) Some Military bases have AT&T pay phones installed and allow for the use of calling cards but beware the cards won't deliver the promissed minutes because they will incur a pay phone fee and if it is a non AT&T calling card will incur at least another $1.50 network access fee. These fees come off the balance of the card, resulting in less minutes. I have even heard reports that some of the pay phones block acess to other non AT&T 800 numbers.
2) Some Morale, Welfare and Recreation posts actualy offer VOIP Phone calling and the costs can be much better than phone cards but they are harder to come bye and subject to more "lag" and quality degradation based on the internet signal strength.
3) Government DSN phones are also available in some places where a soldier connects directly to an operator who connects him/her to the party of their hoice. The rates are similar to that of calling from your home phone in the US.
4) Iraq cell phones are also available locally to the troops but you must buy them off base. From what I hear the coverage is ok but the rates are somewhat more expensive.
5) Last but not least are sat phones which are not as plentiful but they deffinately are useful in the more remote bases in Iraq where the amenities are not as plentiful.
Long story short, consult with your loved one over there and see which one of the above options is best for them and see if you can help them out in another way. Sometimes a phone card may be the best choice but other times more practical and economical methods are available.
1) Some Military bases have AT&T pay phones installed and allow for the use of calling cards but beware the cards won't deliver the promissed minutes because they will incur a pay phone fee and if it is a non AT&T calling card will incur at least another $1.50 network access fee. These fees come off the balance of the card, resulting in less minutes. I have even heard reports that some of the pay phones block acess to other non AT&T 800 numbers.
2) Some Morale, Welfare and Recreation posts actualy offer VOIP Phone calling and the costs can be much better than phone cards but they are harder to come bye and subject to more "lag" and quality degradation based on the internet signal strength.
3) Government DSN phones are also available in some places where a soldier connects directly to an operator who connects him/her to the party of their hoice. The rates are similar to that of calling from your home phone in the US.
4) Iraq cell phones are also available locally to the troops but you must buy them off base. From what I hear the coverage is ok but the rates are somewhat more expensive.
5) Last but not least are sat phones which are not as plentiful but they deffinately are useful in the more remote bases in Iraq where the amenities are not as plentiful.
Long story short, consult with your loved one over there and see which one of the above options is best for them and see if you can help them out in another way. Sometimes a phone card may be the best choice but other times more practical and economical methods are available.